“Lexington Candy Shop” NYC
Oil and Acrylic on Canvas
40″ x 30″
I used to be really ignorant about coffee and thought that Starbucks was the be-all and end-all of coffee shops. Especially in New York City where there seems to be one on every block. To be fair, sometimes they are the only sensible option when in unfamiliar territory, but a little research can lead to some great finds.
So there we were, about twelve years ago, in need of refreshment, entering a Starbucks to discover every single table was occupied by a laptop user! We walked out again and saw, across the road, the Lexington Candy Shop where we had coffee and, I’m unashamed to say, a pbj sandwich. Was the coffee any good? Better than Starbucks? Who cares? This is a real chunk of genuine Americana, in the heart of Manhatten.